2 HOURS ~Â $199
Need some guidance and/or a game plan to tackle putting it all together on your own? This package is perfect for you. We will walk room to room talking furniture placement, colors, accessories, window treatments, fabric, flooring or whatever is on your mind.  We can move some things around, solve any decorating dilemmas and create a game plan for you to follow to transform your space all on your own because after those two hours my job here is done and you are ready to fly!

We can work together to create the space you want or you can hand the entire project to me. It's up to you.  We meet and discuss your needs/wants for the space.  This is when I will ask a lot of questions so that I can best create something you will love.  Then we set a gameplan to move the plan forward. This can involve floor plans, colors, furniture, window treatments, accessories, etc. Using what you have but in an updated way and adding what I think will complete the space.  I can also recommend someone for pretty much every one of your home improvements. "Yeah, I got a guy for that."

Finder's Fee - $15%
You’ve had me over for a consult and now you want to do the decorating on your own-good for you! If I see something that I think will work for your space I will send a picture with price and location. If the item is purchased by either of us, I get a little piece of the action.

Whether it is a fundraiser, shower or even a cocktail party, you’ll be the hostess with the most-ess when I finish setting up your home to best accommodate your guests. Or maybe your window flower boxes need some color or your pool area needs sprucing.  Come the holidays, I can transform your home into a magical destination. Or give you some fabulous holiday curb appeal.